The Short Game – Your Fast Track to Better Golf

What most golfers know, but don’t really understand, is that a 300 yard drive straight down the middle is worth the exact same amount as a 6 inch putt. The difference is, if you miss the putt, you’re going to have to hit it again AFTER you put yourself in great position off the tee. You can have the exact same scenario in any round of golf. No matter if it’s your weekend foursome or a professional event.
You’ve heard it…the short game is critically important, it’s what separates those who are always getting the most out of every round they play and those who are doomed to never play their best. 60% of your shots are taken from 100 yards or less. Where do you think you should look if you want to instantly get better? Now how many people actually put in the time there versus just beating balls on the range.
WHY DON’T PEOPLE practice their short game when they know how important it is? We think there are lots of reasons, and honestly we understand them. The full swing is more exciting at first. Being able to hit a golf ball farther than Barry Bonds could hit a home run is addictive.You start a hole with a tee shot, and although the stats show that there are more short-game shots than tee shots, the tee shot sets the tone for the hole. You are either in great position ready to attack the hole, or you in trouble looking to salvage the hole. Working on the short game can seem boring compared to a solid full shot.
All of these are legitimate reasons why people never practice the short game near enough. But is that the best and fastest way to get better? No, not by a long shot. If you want to get better, you must practice the short game, starting today.
So, how can you change your thinking? How does the short game earn its rightful spot in your practice regimen? It’s time to set aside that adrenaline rush you get from launching a thunderous drive and focus on a different kind of pleasure…the pleasure of saving strokes and lowering your score! Lower scores will be your best reward. It will be the reward you cherish the most out of all the things you can give yourself in your game. Why? Because it separates those who want to play well and those that do.
With that in mind, let’s spotlight the keys to effective Chipping:
The majority of golfers try to lift the ball into the air with a scooping motion. The result: The weight is on the back foot and the wrists are bending upward. We will show you how to bottom the club out and use a striking motion with an arc very similar to your putting stroke. We want you to hit the center of the loft of your club to get the ball into the air. We don’t want you giving in to the scoop motion and trying to lift the ball into the air. Two antidotes to scooping: Keep your hands ahead of the ball; and slightly de-loft the club. This motion will actually make getting the ball up in the air easier. You will finally be using the loft of the club correctly.
The great thing about Chipping is this: Learning to hit a chip shot correctly leads to better ball striking throughout the rest of your game. Many players will break their wrist at the last second, which will result in that scooping motion and inconsistency with their chip shots.
The Chipping Setup basics:
Have 70% or 80% of your weight on the left side of your body at address and keep it there throughout the swing. Have the ball positioned in the middle to slightly back in your stance. Hands slightly forward – the angle you set at address needs to reappear at impact.
The Chipping Stroke basics:
Maintain consistent grip pressure throughout the stroke.Make a small arc with the club back and through – hitting the ground with the bottom of the club and the back of the ball with the clubface at  the same time.
Often times players will concentrate so much on keeping their head down, they will end up doing so too long, which restricts their body movement and encourages a scooping motion. We want you to arc up after you hit the ball, not flip the wrists up. A perfect arc both back and through is one of the secrets to great chipping.
Schedule your short game lesson today and see more tips at